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Animal Kingdom Classification And Major Phyla

Animal Kingdom: Classification and Major Phyla


The animal kingdom encompasses an incredibly diverse range of species, from the microscopic single-celled organisms to the majestic whales. This lecture delves into the intricate classification system of the animal kingdom, exploring the major phyla and their defining characteristics.

Classification of the Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom is organized into several phyla based on shared characteristics. Some of the key phyla covered in this lecture include:

  • Porifera: Sponges
  • Annelida: Segmented worms, such as earthworms and leeches
  • Arthropoda: Insects, spiders, crustaceans, and myriapods

Characteristics of Each Phylum


  • Sessile and filter-feeding animals
  • Lack true tissues and organs
  • Example: Sponges


  • Coelomate animals with segmented bodies
  • Most have a well-developed circulatory system
  • Examples: Earthworms, leeches


  • Animals with jointed appendages and an exoskeleton
  • Largest phylum in the animal kingdom
  • Examples: Insects, spiders, crabs


The classification of the animal kingdom into phyla provides a systematic understanding of the vast diversity of animal life. By exploring the unique characteristics of each phylum, we gain insights into the evolution and complexity of the animal world.
